
Open Postdoc position!

We have an open postdoc position in using and developing machine learning to predict transport coefficients, particularly friction drag of rough surfaces.
See, for example, our work on this topic: “Predicting drag on rough surfaces by transfer learning of empirical correlations” in J. Fluid Mech that can be found here.
Applications are submitted at the KTH website at this link.
Please contact Shervin at if you are interested in the position.

Welcome, Cornelius!

We have a new PhD student our group, Cornelius Wittig! Cornelius graduated from TU Berlin. During his PhD , Cornelius will work on the interaction of bacterial biofilms with shear flows in different geometries. Welcome Cornelius!

Open PhD position in direct numerical simulations of liquid-infused surfaces

We are looking for a doctoral student to study the interaction between liquid infused surfaces  (see figure below) and flowing liquids using direct numerical simulations. The goal is to tailor the geometry and chemistry of LIS surfaces to control heat transfer and friction in a stable and efficient way.

Multifunctional surfaces will play an essential role in enhancing the energy efficiency of applications in transport and industry, and this project will accelerate the required technology.

More information about the position and how to apply can be found here:

We look forward to reading your application!

DNS of LIS performed by Johan Sundin using PARIS.

Open postdoc position on transport in soft tissues

Together with Prof. Christian Gasser at KTH, we have a new postdoc position on developing computational models of transport in soft tissues in the presence of vascular network. Announcement can be found here. The models will be used to study vascularization conditions in the production of cerebral organoids. This is exciting that involves working and communicating with different disciplines. 

Open Postdoc positions!

We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic postdocs to join our group! The topics include:

  • numerical simulations of multiphase flows in porous media. See ad here
  • experimental fluid mechanics with experience in PIV, LDV
  • numerical simulations of wall-bounded turbulence

If you are interested in any of the above topics or have a project idea of your own that you think would fit in our res