
Here you can find reports, thesis and other (non-peer reviewed) documents.


S. M. H. Khorasani, M. Luhar, S. Bagheri, "Turbulent flows over porous lattices: alteration of near-wall turbulence and pore-flow amplitude modulation", in J. Fluid Mechanics, vol 984, 2024.

S. Saoncella, S. Suo, J. Sundin, A. Parikh, M Hultmark, W. M. van der Wijngaar, S. Bagheri, "Contact-angle hysteresis provides resistance to drainage of liquid-infused surfaces in turbulent flows", in Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 2024.

J. Yang, A. Stroh, S. Lee, S. Bagheri, B. Frohnapfel, P. Fooroghi, "Asessment of roughness characterization methods for data-driven predictions", in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol 113, 2024.

C. Wittig, M. Wagner, R. Vallon, T. Crouzier, W. van der Wijngaart, H. Horn, S. Bagheri, "The role of fluid friction in streamer formation and biofilm growth", in arXiv:2403.10545, 2024.

Z. Shi, S.M.H. Khorasani, H. Shin, J. Yang, S. Lee, S. Bagheri, "Drag prediction of rough-wall turbulent flow using data-driven regression", in arXiv:2405.09256, 2024.

H. Shin, S.M.H. Khorasani, Z. Shi, J. Yang, S. Lee, S. Bagheri, "Data-driven discovery of drag-inducing elements on a rough surface through convolutional neural networks", in arXiv:2405.09071, 2024.


S. Yada, K. Bazesefidpar, O. Tammisola, G. Amberg, S. Bagheri, "Rapid wetting of shear-thinning fluids", in Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 043302, 2023.

J. Yang, A. Stroh, S. Lee, S. Bagheri, B. Frohnapfel, P. Forooghi, "Prediction of equivalent sand-grain size and identification of drag-relevant scales of roughness–a data driven approach", in J. Fluid Mech., Vol 975 , 2023.

S. Suo, S. M. H. Khorasani, S. Bagheri, "Dewetting of a corner film wrapping a wall-mounted cylinder", in arXiv:2310.05552, 2023.


S. M. H. Khorasani , U. Lacis, S. Pasche, M. Rosti, S. Bagheri, "Turbulence drag modification with the Transpiration-Resistance Model", in J. Fluid Mech, Vol 942, 2022.

J. Sundin, U. Ciri, S. Leonardi, M. Hultmark, S. Bagheri, "Heat transfer increase by convection in liquid-infused surfaces for laminar and turbulent flows", in J. Fluid Mech, Vol 941, 2022.

S. Yada, U. Lacis, W. van der Wijngaart, F. Lundell, G. Amberg, S. Bagheri, "Droplet impact on asymmetric hydrophobic microstructures", in Langmuir 38, 26, 7956–7964, 2022.

J. Sundin, S. Bagheri, "Slip of submerged two-dimensional liquid-infused surfaces in the presence of surfactants", in J. Fluid Mech. Vol 950, 2022 , 2022.

U. Lacis, M. Pellegrino, J. Sundin, G. Amberg, S. Zaleski, B. Hess, S. Bagheri, "Nanoscale sheared droplet: Volume-of-Fluid, phase-field and no-slip molecular dynamics", in J. Fluid Mech. Vol 940, , 2022.

S. Suo, H. Zhao, S. Bagheri , P. Yu, Y. Gan, "Mobility of trapped droplets within porous surfaces", in Chemical Engineering Science, 264, 118134, 2022.


Y. Sudhakar, U. Lacis, S. Pasche, S. Bagheri, "Higher order homogenized boundary conditions for flows over rough and porous surfaces", in Transp. Porous Media, 2021.

S. Yada, B. Allais, W. van der Wijngaart,, F. Lundell, G. Amberg, S. Bagheri, "Droplet impact on surfaces with asymmetric microscopic features", in Langmuir, 37, 2021.

J. Sundin, S. Zaleski, S. Bagheri, "Roughness on liquid-infused surfaces induced by capillary waves", in J. Fluid Mech (Rapids), Vol 915, 2021.

Hiroki Yasuga, Emre Iseri, Xi Wei , Kerem Kaya, Giacomo Di Dio, Toshihisa Osaki, et. al., "Fluid interfacial energy drives the emergence of three-dimensional periodic structures in micropillar scaffolds", in Nature Physics, 2021.

A. Rinehart, U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, "The Brinkman viscosity for porous media exposed to a free flow", in Submitted, arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.01879 2021.

Sangseung Lee, Jiasheng Yang, Pourya Forooghi, Alexander Stroh, Shervin Bagheri, "Predicting drag on rough surfaces by transfer learning of empirical correlations", in J. Fluid Mech 933, 2021.

A. Atif, U. Lacis, H. Engqvist, M. Tenje, S. Bagheri, G. Mestres, "Experimental characterisation and mathematical modelling of the adsorption of proteins and cells on biomimetic hydroxyapatite", in ACS Omega, 2021.


U. Lacis, Y. Sudhakar, S. Pasche, S. Bagheri, "Transfer of mass and momentum at rough and porous surfaces", in J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 884, 2020.

A. Rinehart, U. Lacis, T. Salez, S. Bagheri, "Lift induced by slip inhomogeneities in lubricated contacts", in Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 082001(Rapid), 2020.

U. Lacis, P. Johansson, T. Fullana, B. Hess, G. Amberg, S. Bagheri, S. Zaleski, "Steady moving contact line of water over a no-slip substrate", in Eur. Phys. J.- Spec. Top., Vol. 229, 1923–1934, 2020.

J. Sundin, K. Kokmanian, M. K. Fu, S. Bagheri, M. Hultmark, "A Soft Material Flow Sensor for Micro Air Vehicles", in Soft Robotics, 2020.


S. Yada, S. Bagheri, J. Hansson, M. Do-Quang, F. Lundell, W. van der Wijngaart, G. Amberg, "Droplet leaping governs microstructured surface wetting", in Soft Matter, 15, 9528-9536, 2019.

J. Sundin, S. Bagheri, "Interaction between hairy surfaces and turbulence for different surface time scales", in J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 861, 556-584, 2019.
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K. Taira, M. Hemati, S. Brunton, Y. Sun, K. Duraisamy, S. Bagheri, S. Dawson, "Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: Applications and Outlook", in AIAA J, 2019.


E. Rinaldi, P. Schlatter, S. Bagheri, "Edge state modulation by mean viscosity gradients", in J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 838, 379-403., 2018.

G. A. Zampogna, U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, A. Bottaro, "Modeling waves in fluids flowing over and through poroelastic media", in Int. J. Multiphas. Flow, 2018.


U. Lacis, G. A. Zampogna, S. Bagheri, "A computational continuum model of poroelastic beds", in Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 473:20160932, 2017.
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U. Lacis, S. Olivieri, A. Mazzino, S. Bagheri, "Passive control of a falling sphere by elliptic-shaped appendages", in Phys. Rev. Fluids Vol. 2, 033901, 2017.

U. Lacis, S. Bagheri, "A framework for computing effective boundary conditions at the interface between free fluid and a porous medium", in J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 812, 2017.
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N. Fabbiane, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Energy efficiency and performance limitations of linear adaptive control for transition delay", in J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 810, 2017.


B. Simon, N. Fabbiane, T. Nemitz, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, S. Grundmann, "In‑flight active wave cancelation with delayed‑x‑LMS control algorithm in a laminar boundary layer", in Exp. Fluids, Vol 57:160,, 2016.

D. Natali, J. Pralits, A. Mazzino, S. Bagheri, "Stabilizing effect of porosity on a flapping filament", in J. Fluids and Structures. Vol 61, 2016.


U. Lacis, K. Taira, S. Bagheri, "A stable fluid-structure-interaction solver for low-density rigid bodies using the immersed boundary projection method", in J. Comp. Phys. vol. 305, 2015.

N. Brosse, C. Finmo, F. Lundell, S. Bagheri, "Experimental study of a three dimensional cylinder-filament system", in Exp. Fluids 56:130, 2015.

N. Fabbiane, B. Simon, F. Fischer, S. Grundmann, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "On the role of adaptivity for robust laminar flow control", in J. Fluid Mech. vol. 767, pp. 094104, 2015.


U. Lacis, N. Brosse, F. Ingremeau, A. Mazzino, F. Lundell, H. Kellay, S. Bagheri, "Passive appendages generate drift through symmetry breaking", in Nature Comm. vol. 5, pp. 5310, 2014.

S. Bagheri, "Effects of weak noise on oscillating flows: Linking quality factor, Floquet modes and Koopman spectrum", in Phys. Fluids vol. 26, pp. 094104, 2014.

R. Dadfar, N. Fabbiane, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Centralised versus Decentralised Active Control of Boundary Layer Instabilities", in Flow Turbulence Combust July, 2014.


O. Semeraro, S. Bagheri, L. Brandt, D. Henningson, "Transition delay in a boundary layer flow using active control", in J. Fluid Mech. vol. 731, pp 288-311, 2013.

S. Bagheri, "Koopman-mode decomposition of the cylinder wake", in J. Fluid Mech. vol. 726, pp 596-623, 2013.


S. Bagheri, A. Mazzino, A. Bottaro, "Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hinged flapping filament generates lift", in Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 154502, 2012.

S. Bagheri, "Computational hydrodynamic stability and flow control based on spectral analysis of linear operators", in Arch. Comput. Methods Eng. Vol. 19 (3), 341-379I, 2012.

M. Ilak, P. Schlatter, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Bifurcation and stability analysis of a jet in crossflow: Onset of global instability at a low velocity ratio", in J. Fluid Mech. vol. 696, pp 94-121, 2012.


M. Ilak, P. Schlatter, S. Bagheri, M. Chevalier, D. Henningson, "Stability of a jet in crossflow", in Phys. Fluids vol. 23 (091113), 2011.

C. Cossu, L. Brandt, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Secondary threshold amplitudes for sinuous streak breakdown", in Phys. Fluids vol. 21(074103), 2011.

O. Semeraro, S. Bagheri, L. Brandt, D. Henningson, "Feedback control of three-dimensional optimal disturbances using reduced-order models", in J. Fluid Mech., vol. 677J. Fluid Mech., vol. 677, 2011.

S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Transition delay using control theory", in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A vol. 369(1940), 2011.

P. Schlatter, S. Bagheri, D. Henningson, "Self-sustained global oscillations in a jet in crossflow", in Theor. Comp. Fluid. Mech.,vol. 25, 2011.


M. Ilak, S. Bagheri, L. Brandt, C. Rowley, D. Henningson, "Model reduction of the nonlinear complex Ginzburg-Landau equation", in SIAM J. App. Dyn. Sys., vol. 9(4), 2010.


C. Rowley, I. Mezic, S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter, D. Henningson, "Spectral analysis of nonlinear flows", in J. Fluid Mech., vol 641, 2009.

S. Bagheri, P. Schlatter, P. Schmid, D. Henningson, "Global stability of a jet in crossflow", in J. Fluid Mech., vol 624, 2009.

S. Bagheri, E. Åkervik, L. Brandt, D. Henningson, "Matrix-free methods for the stability and control of boundary layers", in AIAA J., vol 47, 2009.

S. Bagheri, J. Hoepffner, P. Schmid, D. Henningson, "Input-output analysis and control design applied to a linear model of spatially developing flows", in App. Mech. Rev., vol 62(2), 2009.

S. Bagheri, L. Brandt, D. Henningson, "Input-output analysis, model reduction and control of the flat-plate boundary layer", in J. Fluid. Mech, vol 620, 2009.


S. Bagheri, A. Hanifi, "The stabilizing effect of streaks on Tollmien-Schlichting waves and oblique waves: A parametric study", in Phys. of Fluids, vol 6, 2007.